
Soul Activation - Energetic Updates - Chakra Harmonizing

This complete energetic system reboot entails connecting into the soul blue print, mind grid, chakra system and the auric atmosphere. I use hands on techniques as well as energy manipulation techniques above the body in order to restore and balance the flow of energy within the many layers of being. The sessions include cleansing, blessing and releasing energetic chords, beliefs, traumas, relationships and old programs that are no longer serving the soul on its spiritual evolution as well as updating “software” through rewiring circuits, installing new light codes, frequencies, imprinting and activating sacred geometries. I speak everything out loud keeping us in the present moment in divine flow and allowing it all to be one epic prayer.

Massage & Reiki Sessions

A full body massage and intuitive flow includes my hands moving with intention, following the meridians, holding energetic points and manipulating the soft tissues of the body , all geared towards improving the flow of blood and lymph, reducing muscular tension, increasing flexibility, creating space in the body and relaxing the nervous system. Reiki is designed to get energies flowing and harmonized, enhancing the immune system and promoting the body to heal itself.

Spiritual Guidance

The space is open for what is meant to happen; bringing into light where you may feel blocked or stuck through talking, sharing and experiences geared towards your spiritual evolution in the moment, offering insights, exercises and practices to empower you to create your best life.


In person:

  • 1hr Massage & Reiki = $111

  • 1hr Chakra Activation & Balance = $111

  • 90 min of either = $155

  • 90 min Massage & Chakra Combo = $188

  • 2hr = $222

All Energy Sessions can be done distantly, over the phone, video or while you sleep.

( ( They can be private or group sessions ) )

This video is a visual representation of what I feel and perceive. However I no longer do sessions this way.

I now speak everything I am doing out loud, as a prayer.