Space Clearing & Sacred Land Mapping

Space Clearing 

I will come to your home, office or land to clear stagnate, fragmented or stuck energies, before reprograming and imprinting the land and space with an energetic grid full of the chosen intentions or vibrations you wish the space to hold and attract. I also offer guidance on what will make the energy of the space flow optimally and inspire vibrant living. This may include suggestions of de–cluttering, re-arranging furniture, specific colors, plants, art and crystals.


Sacred Land Mapping


What on Earth is Sacred Land Mapping?

I believe that spirit exists in all of nature’s ingenious creations - when you tune into earth you can feel the web of life or energy that pulses through all things. The animals, creatures, trees, plants, rocks, water and animals all have beautiful energies, spirits and wisdom to share & connect with; in my experience they simply love to be included in the creative process. I have a gift of connecting with theses spirits, energies and voices of the earth on a vibrational level, opening up space for communication and dialogue between nature and humans. Allowing them to be assistants & co –creators in the development of the land, supports the energetic flow and vibrational impression of the space and structures to create harmony for all local inhabitance.   

 Each Mapping session is unique and different depending on the size of the property, existing energies, structures, and your vision or plans for the future.



What you can expect.

-       Energetic clearing of the property

-       Directional Lay Lines

-       Structural placement and shapes of structures

-       Energetic map drawing of high energy points

-       Guidance and blessings from the Elementals and Land Spirits as well as identification of endangered species.

How incredible to build, create and develop homes, schools, businesses, properties, developments, communities and towns that are designed  & directed by the timeless wisdom of earth sprits who are eager to establish deep connection with us, assisting in our spiritual development, health & wellbeing as well as their own. We collaborate to cohabitate in soul enriching environments leading to thriving & harmonious earth living.

Tree of Life